Human AI Art Exchange

SuperNietzsche is Sharing thoughts on human and technological crossroads of digital-super-human society.

The motivation for this blog is to gather different facets of philosophical and artistic reflection within a new age of digital identities and interaction with intelligent machines.

“Gott ist Tod”
It might get reborn as General Artificial Intelligence in a data center right next to you…

Surreal Nitzsche
Composition of Salvador Dali and Friedrich Nitzsche in the theme of Narcissus
AI Source Midjourney 06 2023

The masters of ceremony

Hypnotizing chickens

SoMe networks own the key to people’s social needs and desires. Social live happens more and more digital and the relevant SoMe channels developing an emotional gravity that is hard to withstand. They are creating an addicting sense of visibility and acceptance or even meaning for the individuals in order to manipulate and exploit them.


Titan's courage to bring the fire of enlightening to the people in the face of cowardly abuse of oppressive power.

breaking chains